Camps and Enrichment Programs


Subject: Camps and Enrichment Programs

Responsible Parties: Vice Presidents, Deans, Directors and Program Administrators

Related University Policies: University Polices 1103, 11381404, 1411, 1412 and 2221

Each year, thousands of children and teens interact with George Mason University through a variety of programs both on and off our campus. Creating a positive environment that promotes their health, wellness, safety and security is of utmost importance to the university, and we’ve established guidelines and expectations for program administrators, faculty, staff, and volunteers.

Each Program Administrator shall review their activities for identifiable risks or hazards. Program Administrators shall use the Risk Self-Assessment Worksheets to evaluate risks associated with various program activities. No worksheet can encompass all of the possible scenarios for program activities and risks, nor will every section of this work sheet apply to every camp/program. Program Administrators shall review the applicable sections of the worksheets that correspond to the activities of their program. Program Administrators shall exercise due diligence in designing program activities in such a way as to reflect safety and consideration for all participants.

Programs operated under university auspices are encouraged to obtain assistance by contacting Operational Risk Management.

Programs operating under university auspices (funds passing through the Accounting Office) are covered by the Commonwealth’s Risk Management Plan. However the following are required to assure coverage under the plan:

1. Complete the Risk Self-Assessment Worksheet and the Supplemental Risk Self-Assessment Worksheet (if applicable), or a Virtual Self-Assessment Worksheet for programs that are being offered 100% online.

2. Program Administrators shall complete the Coordinator Form to request background screenings of all faculty, staff, students, and volunteers, as per University Policy 2221.

3. Visit the Hosting a PEC website for detailed information regarding internal and external camps and programs including the intake process for becoming an approved camp.

4. Complete the Camp Emergency Plan and train all camp staff on the procedures, general safety guidelines and university policies related to the camp program.

5. Design a written drop-off/pick-up procedure and provide training for all program staff on its use. The Authorization for Drop-off/Pick-up form is required to be complete by each camp participant.

6. Review the Child Abuse and Neglect Reporting information on the Mason’s Human Resources Department’s website.

7. All Program Administrators shall log all accidents or illnesses, identifying the injured or ill participant and documenting the circumstances, the date and time, the response provided and by whom. The Program Administrator shall provide the log to ORM upon request.

8. Program Administrators shall collect and maintain the following forms for camp participants: 

Camp and Enrichment Program Acknowledgement of Risk for classroom based activities
Camp and Enrichment Program Acknowledgement for Risk for physical activities
Medical Authorization to Treat
Authorization for Drop-off/Pick-up
Media, Photo and Video Release
Self-Administration of Medication

Note: Program Administrators shall make all documents available to ORM upon request.

Additional Resources:

University Sponsored Program Guidelines
Participant Code of Conduct
Minors Internship Guide
Minors in the Laboratory Guide

Programs operated by individuals and/or a non-George Mason organization are not covered by the University’s insurance (e.g. coaches holding camps as independent contractors). To protect the sponsoring individual and the university from pecuniary damages, the following items are required:

1. A Facility Rental Agreement.
2. Insurance Requirements:

a. General Liability in an amount not less than $1,000,000 per occurrence with a $2,000,000 annual aggregate.
b. Sexual Abuse and Molestation in an amount not less than $1,000,000 per occurrence with a $2,000,000 aggregate.
c. Commercial Automobile Liability (if applicable) in an amount not less than $1,000,000 per occurrence.
d. Workers Compensation in an amount not less than that prescribed by statutory limits; and, as applicable. Policy shall be endorsed to specifically waive the insurer’s right of recovery against the Commonwealth of Virginia and George Mason University.
e. Professional Liability Insurance (if applicable) in an amount not less than $2,000,000 per occurrence.
f. Umbrella/Excess policy in an amount not less than $1,000,000 to apply over and above Commercial General Liability, Sexual Abuse and Molestation ,Workers Compensation, and Commercial Automobile Liability Insurance.
g. In addition, the University and the Commonwealth of Virginia shall be named as an additional insured on General Liability, Sexual Abuse and Molestation, and Umbrella/Excess policies and a copy of the Certificate of Insurance provided to the contract administrator.

3. Finally, all promotional material should have a disclaimer that indicates that the program is not part of the University.