Operational Risk Management

General Liability Programs

All official University business conducted on University property, in owned or leased buildings, or at sites located off-campus, is covered. General Liability coverage is meant to protect against omissions or acts or negligence for which George Mason University and/or its employees and agents may be legally liable to pay.  The PLAN provides general liability coverage per the Code of Virginia for the State, its agencies, and its employees, agents and volunteers.  The PLAN’s protection covers both general and professional liability, as well as medical malpractice, and includes: preparation of a defense by the State Attorney General’s Office, court costs, and the settlement of the claim. 

Who is covered?

The PLAN covers George Mason University, its Board, officers, employees, students (under certain circumstances) volunteers, and agents while they are acting within the scope of their employment or authorized assigned duties under the direction of George Mason, whether on or off campus. 

Note: George Mason employees who engage in personal business are NOT covered by the PLAN.

Who is excluded?

Coverage may not be provided to employees or agents of George Mason if it is determined that liability was incurred by reason of:

    1. Acts of fraud or dishonesty
    2. Acts of intentional, malicious, or willful and wanton conduct
    3. Criminal Acts
    4. An employee or agent who does not report an incident or fails to cooperate with the defense of a claim may also be excluded from coverage.
    5. Claims seeking relief or redress in any other than monetary form.
    6. Liability assumed under any written contract or agreement

What can George Mason faculty and staff do to reduce the University’s exposure?

    1. Exercise professional care when planning and executing an event or project.
    2. Anticipate mishaps and take appropriate precautions.
    3. Quickly report any incident to Operational Risk Management.

Notes: George Mason employees who engage in personal business enterprises in George Mason facilities, are NOT covered by the PLAN. Individuals engaged in such activities are required to purchase general liability insurance naming George Mason as an additional insured party and obtain professional liability insurance for themselves.

Foreign Liability

Comprehensive general liability coverage is provided to faculty, staff and students performing activities on behalf of the University in foreign countries. It covers third party general liability claims for bodily injury and/or property damage, professional liability and automobile liability. 

Directors & Officers Liability

The Board of Visitors and University officials, employees and agents are also protected against negligent acts or omissions which result in financial loss or damages to individuals or organizations that do not directly relate to bodily injury or property damage. Such acts or omissions usually result from decisions that are made by a University representative in their authorized capacity to do so which bring about allegations of damages and financial loss incurred by a third party. 

Error & Omissions Liability

Professional exposures may result from a negligent error or omission when rendering or failing to render professional services on behalf of the University. Faculty and staff are protected for these exposures. When a financial loss occurs due to an employee’s failure to perform up to expectations or industry standards, the error or omission can result in legal liability. 

Professional Liability

Health care professionals, residents, house staff and health care professional students are provided medical malpractice coverage for those acts or omissions arising out of the course of their employment or authorization on behalf of the University. Medical Malpractice is covered up to the limits established in the Code of Virginia section 8.01-581.15.