TULIP (Special Event Insurance)

George Mason University requires all organizations/users who organize or host events or programs on campus, even when collaborating with the University, to be insured for liability. Users must provide evidence of such coverage (certificate of insurance) to the office booking your event one week prior to the event.  George Mason does not endorse any one insurance company as there are many to choose from, but the information below may be an option for your event. 

The TULIP is a Tenants’ and Users’ Liability Insurance Policy, also known as “Events Coverage”. It is used by institutions who permit “third parties” to use their facilities for specific events. It protects both the Facility User and the Institution against claims by third parties who may be injured or lose property as a result of participating in an event. Events may range from very low risk events such as classroom seminars, receptions or weddings to higher risk events including camps, sports events or rock concerts. 

To purchase this insurance, visit: https://tulip.ajgrms.com