Operational Risk Management

Fine Arts

George Mason University maintains insurance for its fine arts collections as well as art, artifacts and/or rare books and manuscripts which are loaned to George Mason.  In most cases fine arts or other items loaned to George Mason that are under its care, custody, and control of George Mason are afforded coverage under the PLAN.  Per University Policy #1129 the Curator of Collections directs and oversees the daily management, acquisition, maintenance and care of the University Art Collection and maintains an inventory record and location of each piece from the Art Collection.

Fine arts include but are not limited to: paintings (oil acrylics, watercolors, pastels, pen and ink etc.), drawings, photographs, lithographs, signature works, sculptures (all mediums), historic papers and/or artifacts, rare books and manuscripts.

Fine Arts on Loan to Mason:

When departments are accepting a fine arts loan from an outside agency on behalf of George Mason, a Fine Arts Loan Agreement should be completed when there are no other contracts or agreements that have been presented to George Mason.  This form must be returned to the Curator of Collections/Gallery Director at School of Art, MSN 1C3 for review.  The Gallery Director will submit the form to Operational Risk Management (ORM) after review.  The form must be on file in ORM one (1) week prior to receiving the fine art in order to be considered covered under George Mason’s insurance.

If the fine art is to be insured by George Mason, please complete the Request for Fine Arts Insurance form along with a copy of any contract or agreement to accompany the request and a complete itemized list of items on loan/exhibition with the owner’s or an appraised value of each item.  This request should be received by ORM one (1) week prior to receiving the art. Please email to risk@gmu.edu or send via campus mail to MSN 6D6.

Upon receipt of items on loan to George Mason, an authorized George Mason representative must:

  • Personally inspect the item(s)
  • Document the items condition
  • Make the lender aware of any damage found

At the end of the loan period, the processes must be repeated before releasing the item from George Mason’s  care.  Any damage during the loan period must be reported to the lender and ORM in addition to following the fine arts procedures.

Reporting Loss to Fine Arts:

Loss to fine art must be reported as soon as possible and below documentation forwarded to ORM for processing.  To report fine arts lost, stolen or damaged:

  • Contact University Police (703-993-2810) to report lost, stolen, or vandalized fine arts.  A police report is required and the report number will need to be provided to ORM.
  • Complete a Report of Loss to State Owned Property (Fine Arts) within three (3) workdays of the incident and email to risk@gmu.edu or send via campus mail to MSN 6D6.
  • Provide proof of original ownership by department: a copy of original purchase order, fixed assets inventory or Fine Arts Loan Agreement to ORM.  This should include all appraisals and documentation.

****Please note, do not discard any items.