What do I do if I become injured on University property?

First seek medical attention.  If the injury is serious contact University Police (703-993-2810) and Operational Risk Management (703-993-2599) in accordance with University Policy 1404 and complete an Incident Report. When completing the incident report form please include details regarding the location of the incident to include building, door number, street signs etc.

If you are an employee, contact HR Workers Compensation (703-993-2600) and file a First Report of Accident Form.

What is the insurance coverage for missing, stolen, or damaged property owned or leased by the University?

The University insures all the property it owns, on and off campus.  Under certain circumstances it also insures property that departments rent, lease, or borrow.  Property coverage is worldwide and reimbursement is based on the lesser of repair or replacement of covered property damaged by a covered cause of loss/peril. Further, there is a $1,000 deductible per occurrence, paid by the department(s) that suffered the loss. Reimbursement of the excess above the deductible amount occurs after the department has paid for the repair or replacement cost.

What do I do if I discover potential damage or loss to University owned or leased property?

Report the incident to University Police (703-993-2810) or local police department  and Operational Risk Management (703-993-2599) in accordance with University Policy 1404. Complete a Report of Loss to State Owned Property. The department has a duty to prevent further loss by taking reasonable steps to protect University owned or leased property from further loss/damage.

Is it necessary to purchase the exact same item (model) as was damaged/stolen?

If it is at all possible to replace the stolen/damaged item with the same brand and model that was lost, you should do so.  The State reimburses the University for replacement with the same model or nearest equivalent.  In some cases, it isn’t possible to replace the item with the exact model due to discontinuation of some items.  In those cases, you would need to find the nearest equivalent to the lost or damaged item(s).  If you do this you must provide the specifications for the original item and replacement item.  If you do choose to upgrade the item, instead of purchasing the same item or nearest equivalent, the department will reimburse for the replacement cost of the item minus any cost for upgrades. There is no reimbursement for the cost of warranty.

What is my department’s financial responsibility in the event of loss or damage to state property or vehicles?

The department that owns or operates the property or vehicle is responsible for the damage and comprehensive deductible of $1,000 per occurrence. If several departments are affected by the same event, the $1,000 deductible is pro-rated among the various departments.

Can I file a claim for damages to a personal vehicle while legally parked in an assigned George Mason parking lot?

A claim can only be considered if there is clear evidence that the damage occurred as a result of negligence on the part of the University or if a state-owned vehicle can be identified as having caused the damage.