1. When is coverage afforded under the current policy?
- Employees, faculty, staff and guests on international business travel on behalf of George Mason University are covered. Dependents are also covered under the policy when they are traveling with a Mason employee.
- Students and accompanying faculty, staff, guests and volunteers who are part of an Education Abroad experience of George Mason University. Dependents are also covered when traveling with the group.
Note: For coverage purposes, a guest is defined as an individual invited and authorized to participate in a covered activity that is under the control of George Mason University. Dependents are defined as a lawful spouse/domestic partner and unmarried children under the age of 26. Coverage will not extend past 364 days.
2. Is personal travel (deviation) covered?
The university provided emergency insurance for international travel will cover a maximum of 14 days personal deviation, if you plan to travel before and/or after the dates of your university-approved or university-sponsored travel. If you are adding more than 14 days personal deviation, you will need to purchase your own additional insurance coverage..
3. Where will travelers covered by the policy’s security evacuation coverage be evacuated to if there is a security occurrence that qualifies under the insurance?
If an occurrence takes place and security evacuation is required, you will be evacuated to the nearest place of safety first, as determined by the designated security consultant. Within 5 days of the evacuation, you will be transported to:
a) Back to the country in which you were traveling (if security situation has become safe) or
b) Your Home Country; or
c) Where the Policyholder that sponsored your Trip is located.
Note: Security evacuation coverage only applies when you utilize the appointed assistance provider under this insurance program. In the event of a medial or security emergency please call 1-888-287-4741 to reach Mercer’s Campus Connexions Travel Assistance immediately.
4. Are local nationals evacuated from their home country, why?
No, security evacuation insurance coverage does not extend to cover a person/local national resident while they are in their home country to take them outside of that country. This is mainly due to multinational governing laws or similar agreements.
5. Are pre-existing conditions covered?
Yes. Pre-existing conditions are treated as any other medical condition and do not exclude the traveler from coverage by the policy.
6. Is health insurance included in the Mason travel insurance plan?
No. The Mason policy offered for international travel covers only emergency medical expenses for accidents and sickness. General health insurance for routine medical care/services are not included. Please consult with your health insurance provider before departure, as some U.S. health insurance plans may not provide coverage overseas or may have other limitations or reduced benefits.
7. Is there an approval process if travel will take me to a country that us under a Department of State advisory or may be considered hazardous?
Yes. Refer to University Policy 1134.
8. Who is required to register international travel?
All university-sponsored or university-related international travel must be registered with the university, and traveler must comply with all requirements of University Policy 1134. Employees are responsible for registering group travel activities with the Global Education Office (GEO); students are responsible for registering individual educational travel
9. How do I get my insurance card?
- Employees traveling individually for university business should complete the International Emergency Insurance Registration form and submit to Operational Risk Management two (2) weeks prior to travel.
- Student travelers, and faculty/staff accompanying the students, will receive the insurance coverage documents through the Global Education’s Office travel registration system.
10. I need a proof of insurance letter (Declaration of Insurance) for my Visa application interview. How can I receive this document?
- Faculty and Staff traveling on business or with an education abroad program: Please complete the Declaration of Insurance Coverage Request and submit to Operational Risk Management at least two (2) weeks prior to your scheduled appointment. ORM will process the request and provide the document needed to accompany the visa application.
- Students traveling on education abroad programs (including external program): The Global Education Office (GEO) will provide the Declaration of Coverage document for your visa application appointment. If you have not already been provided this document, please submit the Student Declaration of Insurance Coverage Request or contact GEO at goabroad@gmu.edu.
- Students conducting Mason-sponsored independent research abroad: Submit the Student Declaration of Coverage Request at least two (2) weeks prior to your schedule visa appointment.
11. How much will I need to pay for the emergency insurance coverage?
- Employees travelling on university-related or university-sponsored travel are covered by the university at no cost to the employee.
- Students will pay the insurance fee associated with their trip through the Global Education Office’s travel registration system. The insurance cost will be listed in the materials provided. If you have questions regarding the charges, please contact the Global Education Office at 703-993-2154 or GoAbroad@gmu.edu.
12. Is property loss covered under the emergency insurance plan?
The University’s travel insurance plan does not include coverage for personal belongings or more expansive trip cancellation/disruption benefits. If coverage for these things are important to you, we recommend you seek solutions that fits your needs through the individual travel insurance marketplace online. There are many options available.
Mason property is covered and a claim would be submitted to our office for processing following this guidance provided on our website https://risk.gmu.edu/property/.
13. If a person needs treatment for a non life threatening, but urgent condition, what do you do?
The medical expense benefits on the University’s travel insurance plan responds to sickness or injuries occurring during the trip, urgent or non-urgent. You can do one of two things, pay upfront and claim for reimbursement, which may be the easiest option. Another alternative is contacting the travel assistance service provider, AXA Assistance, who can facilitate direct payment / guarantee of payment to the provider, hospital or facility. Typically, the latter is used when the out of pocket is expense is significant or you need immediate (or ongoing) financial arrangements that cannot be done by you directly.
+1 888-287-4741 (toll-free U.S.); +1 515-365-3990 (direct or collect)